The story

Creativity and innovation are fundamentally linked to light. It's not a coincidence that the light bulb is THE symbol for 'the innovative idea' that will change the world. Also for us, these two fundamentals have led to our compay name, from blue ocean whales to neon-glowing Chicago streets...


In the history of light, a wide range of light sources has been used. In the 19th century for instance, candles were used made out of spermaceti oil, a wax-like substance found in whales. Each whale had around 4 tons of this substance in its head. Candles made out of this whale oil, were at that time the best quality candles with a bright and scentless flame. This wonder ingredient led to an intensified hunt for whales between 1835 & 1875, leading to approx 300.000 caught whales. Luckily new innovations in light stopped the intensive whale hunt, avoiding its extinction.


Neon light on the other hand thanks its success to the typical color and glow it creates and the mood it represents. Neon gas in a glass tube give under electrical impulse a typical red-orange color with a distinctive glow. Other gases can give any color of the rainbow. Neon lights were typically used to give extra stand out to building signs, giving a lot of American cities their typical 'glow' in the early 20th century, like the strip of Las Vegas or Chicago. That's why the french inventor, Georges Claude, received the nick name 'The Edison of France' for this 'de-lightful' invention.

We hope you see, just as we did, how Neon and Whale were two important mile stones in the history of light. Bringing them together also turned on our 'light' during the brainstorms for our company name: their fusion represents the fundamental symbol for creativity and innovation: NEONWHALE